05.06.2020 15:30
Kansainvälinen osaaja Camille Gebhart aloitti kesäkuun alussa työharjoittelunsa Hämeen kauppakamarin Lahden toimistossa. Camille on kotoisin Kanadasta, mutta asunut Suomessa jo vuodesta 2016. Tervetuloa kauppakamariin Camille!
Lue Camillen tervehdys:
“My name is Camille Gebhart and I will be doing my practical training here in the Lahti office.
I am originally from a small village in Western Canada and came to Finland for the first time in 2016.
I was first an exchange student in high school in Karvia, Satakunta for 1 year, then an Au Pair in Lohja for 11 months. Now, I have been a student at LAB (formerly LAMK) UAS since January 2019. I will be graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in International Business next spring.
So far, my studies have mostly been focused on marketing and logistics. I am very involved with my school and, granted that COVID19 does not cause more issues, will represent my school in South Korea for a case study competition next fall. I am involved with the student union of my school with the Events Organization and as Head Tutor of International Business students.
I am passionate about understanding social issues and being aware of intercultural differences. I believe that diversity in the workplace is an asset as it can allow problems to be seen from different perspectives. I have a lot of experience working in multicultural teams and look forward to continuing to do so here at the Häme Chamber of Commerce.
In my free time, I enjoy being out in nature, traveling, reading, and doing sports. Ice hockey is a sport I am especially passionate about being from Canada.
Currently, I am not sure what the future will look like for me. I have many passions, especially learning, so once I graduate it would not be a surprise if I return to school to complete a Master’s degree.”