The abbreviation ATA is a combination of the French and English terms “Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission” and refers to the temporary export of goods.
On a Carnet, you can carry:
- Commercial samples,
- Professional equipment and
- Goods for presentation or use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions, or similar events.
Goods exported under the ATA Carnet programme must be re-exported and returned to the initial country of consignment within the set period (max. one year), where the ATA Carnet must be returned to the issuing Chamber of Commerce
Examples include computers, tools, imaging equipment, musical instruments, machinery, jewelry, clothing, medical equipment, and works of art. The ATA carnet cannot be used when the goods are exported for processing or repair or when the goods are consumed during the trip or distributed to customers.
Fill out the electronic ATA carnet application as instructed and submit it to your chamber of commerce at least five days before your trip . The Chamber of Commerce will draw up the actual ATA carnet on the basis of the application you have sent.
Learn more about using and applying for an ATA carnet: